about us

who are two skip town?

We love to travel, and we love to inspire others to do the same. 

Ever since we were kids, we’ve both felt a sense of whimsy. The world is a magical place, and one that has always been beckoning us to go and explore it. From weekend camping trips to summer-long road trips in a motorhome, to living abroad from a young age, this has been our life as long as we remember. This longing to see new places has only grown as we’ve gotten older, and ever since we started dating back in 2009, this has been our sole goal and dream in life. To be able to travel and see the world. 

This website has been a long way coming. The first seeds were sown whilst we were doing research for our first big backpacking trip back in 2015. We kept coming across travel blogs by seemingly normal people, who had “made it” and were enjoying a location independent lifestyle. Several years later, we are finally here.

We are by no means made of money. We’ve spent many years working 60+ hour weeks as bartenders, waiters, restaurant managers, in order to be able to travel, or even consider the possibility of a location independent lifestyle.

We are still not there, but the dream is alive, and closer than ever. 

where do you want to start?

our travel style

We love to travel slowly, and really immerse ourselves in each location we visit.

The thrill of a fast-paced adventure can be intoxicating (and often the only way to see everything you want to see), but it can also be exhausting. We much prefer reaching a destination slowly, properly settling into our new temporary home, and truly having the freedom to explore our new surroundings from all angles.

Especially as we’ve grown older, we’ve come to the conclusion that slow, purposeful travel is the best kind of travel. For us anyway. But let’s face it, only very few people can actually travel like this. It’s this type of freedom that drove us to seek location independency in the first place. But the world is changing, and such a lifestyle seems no longer so difficult to reach.

We do our best to be responsible travellers whenever we can. We aim to eat and sleep at locally owned businesses, and travel on local transportation as much as possible. We will never say no to a luxury getaway, but our passion for travel lies in discovering, learning and getting out of our comfort zones. New cultures, new foods, new landscapes, new people. This is what we live for.

Get exploring

go pick a country, or take a leap straight into somewhere very special to us